Monday, February 8, 2010


I know it might not seem that crazy to you, but for me its MIND BLOWING . But i am seriously considering getting

A JOB. *children run off in shear terror*

i guess it wouldn't be too bad. Standing around, working with money, maybe food (yuck)... Working in the mall at a place like Campus Crew would be nice, maybe American Eagle (the gay guys who work in there are such sweethearts!), Aeropostale? i honestly dont mind where it is as long as ts not at a food place....but since i live someplace that's almost like being in the middle of a forest (... extreme exaggeration) the only place that i could work that's hiring is subway :(

i guess it would be worth it though. i wouldn't have to rely on my mother funding my shopping addiction anymore, and if i start working soon then i will have money saved up for summer

if your name isn't Jillian m. then don't mind this quick insert.................

(FASHION WEEEEEK! eh jillian? huh huh? are you pumped like me? HELLA DANKin' you better get buyin that piggy bank!)

i guess any way you look at it, people benefit from jobs....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On a sad note...

today i found out my grandmother might be sick :(
my mom was talking to my aunt Sharon about how my gramma is really pale and is gaining water weight. My aunt lives a few hundred Kilometers away, and my gramma only has 1 kidney, but from what i have heard my gramma might have kidney failure...
Im not prepared to lose my only grandparent (all the others have passed already)
i feel so helpless
Some of my friends joke about how their grandparents died and such... that is so rude! how can you care so little for someone that gave your parents life ( you know, those people who gave you the right to live? ya them)

Im starting off my February with a not so positive attitude.
first, my gym teacher is a creep. second, im having a bad hair week, and now my gramma could be sick...
i know it could be worse, but so far the month of love SUCKS!

( At least its not called the month of happiness, that would totally piss me off)

my soon to be boyfriend...

not actually

but i stay hopeful
